Thursday, July 22, 2010

Anamesa blog!

Exciting new additions to the Anamesa scope have come for Summer 2010!

Anamesa, a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal of graduate student writing and art based at New York University, has added a blog to its breadth of academic offerings. Beginning mid-summer, we will host a live-active blog on our website, to augment our print issues and provide a forum for the topics, themes and musings that concern the graduate student community.

We are now accepting submissions for our blog from graduate students across all disciplines. We encourage you to send writing (including but not limited to essays, creative non-fiction, reportage, interviews, reviews, short stories, poetry, and other unclassifiable prose creations) and art of all sorts (such as photography, drawings, paintings, film stills, posters, prints, etc.) that would be appropriate for a blog or short-format setting. Anamesa considers material on a diversity of subjects, and publishes creative and intelligent works that exemplify the transdisciplinary spirit of the graduate community.

Since the blog is in continuous publication, there are no deadlines; however, the sooner you send in your work, the sooner it will be considered for posting. Likewise, there are no word limits or citation-requirements, yet do keep in mind that a 6000 word essay is better formatted for our print publication and will most likely be passed over for the blog.

Please send all submissions and queries to Please include a cover page with your name, departmental affiliation, expected degree and date, telephone number, and email address. We accept multiple submissions, but we ask that you place each submission in a different email message with the subject heading listing the relevant genre (e.g., "essay," "fiction," or "photography").

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