Have a great weekend,
Dear Colleagues,
gnovis, Georgetown University's peer-reviewed journal of Communication, Culture and Technology, is seeking submissions for our Fall 2009 issue. As such, I kindly ask that you forward this call for papers to your colleagues and graduate students:
gnovis is an online academic journal, peer-reviewed by graduate students at Georgetown University's Communication, Culture & Technology program. The journal serves as a forum for cultivating novel ideas about and connections related to technology, media, politics, and art through an interdisciplinary lens.
As a journal run by graduate students, we welcome submissions from budding academics -- including fellow students seeking their first publication -- and our peer reviewers take pride in providing helpful feedback to everyone who submits a paper.
To be considered, authors should submit their papers by email (submit@gnovisjournal.org) no later than November 1, 2009. Submission guidelines can be reviewed here: http://gnovisjournal.org/submit. We also recommend that authors visit our website (http://gnovisjournal.org) and that of our sponsoring department (http://cct.georgetown.edu) to better understand which research topics may be suitable for our publication.
If you have any questions about gnovis or the Communication, Culture, and Technology Department at Georgetown University, please feel free to contact Michael Davidson at md493@georgetown.edu. Thank you for your time and we look forward to seeing your work!
Best regards,
Michael Davidson
Assistant Managing Editor, gnovis